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1_21_4_changelog [2024/12/20 21:40] niceron1_21_4_changelog [2024/12/20 23:12] (current) niceron
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   * The Server got moved to a new and more powerful machine   * The Server got moved to a new and more powerful machine
   * Online World Map now is SSL secured   * Online World Map now is SSL secured
-  * Adjusted View Distance: 10 - 18 Chunks depending on current performance +  * Adjusted View Distance: 10 - 16 Chunks depending on current performance 
-  * Adjusted Simulation Distance: - 10 Chunks depending on current performance+  * Adjusted Simulation Distance: - 10 Chunks depending on current performance
   * Removed coloring of glow effect   * Removed coloring of glow effect
   * Movement Speed of default entities is no longer being modified   * Movement Speed of default entities is no longer being modified