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Warping Wonders

Warping Wonders allows for more immersive player teleportation utilizing already existing items. Using a compass linked to a lodestone, players can teleport back to the lodestone’s location. A clock teleports players back to their spawnpoint (bed, respawn anchor) and the recovery compass can bring players back to their last death location. The latter two always get consumed during use. In addition, a new item called a Portal Horn can be crafted which functions as a TPA replacement. The latest addition to the data pack is a Waypoint Hub system which lets players set up a public network of points of interest where they can teleport to. All teleport actions function across all dimensions. Ridden Entites (Camel, Strider, Donkey, Mule, Horse, Llama and Horses) as well as leashed Entities (including Boats) will be teleported alongside players.


In vanilla Minecraft players can link Compasses to Lodestones which then point in the direction of the Lodestone. With Warping Wonders, you can also teleport to linked Lodestones by simply right clicking a linked Compass. Teleporting to linked Lodestones has a cooldown of 10 seconds. Linked Compasses also show the coordinates and dimension of the linked Lodestone in its lore.

The Compass’ texture has been changed to resemble the Recovery Compass, and eight new Compass variants have been added. They have no additional function and are made to help identify different linked Compasses at a glance. They can be crafted by replacing the Iron Ingots in the standard recipe with Resin Bricks, Gold Ingots, Copper Ingots, Amethyst Shards, Emeralds, Lapis Lazuli or Nether Quartz, respectively.

To make this a valid alternative for the common home-mods/plugins, this datapack also replaces the Ancient Scrap of the Lodestone recipe with Raw Iron/Copper/Gold.

Waypoint Hub

Waypoint Hubs can be crafted with 3 Obsidian, a Barrel, 2 Diamonds and an Eye of Ender. They function as a public Waypoint system where everyone with access to the Barrel of a Waypoint Hub can teleport to any other Waypoint Hub placed. Once crafted they just have to be placed. If a Waypoint Hub item got renamed before placed down the visible name of this Waypoint will be the one the item got renamed to. There can only be one Waypoint Hub be placed within a radius of 24 blocks. To teleport to another Waypoint players simply have to access the Barrel which brings up the menu. Breaking the Barrel will also take down the Waypoint Hub.

Recovery Compass

Recovery Compasses by nature point to the position of a players last death location. This datapack enhances this functionality by letting a player also teleport to that location. To do so hold the Recovery Compass in the mainhand and right click it. The Recovery Compass always always gets consumed when teleporting to your last death location. The item itself also shows the coordinates and the dimension of the last death location. Teleporting with a Recovery Compass has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

In order to make this a viable option as a replacement for other commands which teleports players to their last death location, the data pack also introduces a new recipe for Echo Shards (Amethyst Shard + Blue Dye).


Clocks not only show the time with Warping Wonders but also have the ability to teleport players back to their set respawn point, which is usually a bed or a respawn anchor. The teleport functions across dimensions when the player using a clock is on solid ground. When using a clock to teleport to the respawn point, the clock always gets consumed. To use this function, simply right click a clock when holding it in the mainhand. There is a 20 seconds cooldown in between for using Clock teleportation.

Portal Horn

Portal Horns are special Goat Horns which can be crafted. They not only sound the Portal Travel sound when tooted but also allow players to open portals which others then can teleport to by also using a Portal Horn. Once a player opens a public portal with a Portal Horn other players having a Portal Horn currently in their inventory will receive a chat message about it.

Players can also rename their Portal Horns so only other players which have a Portal Horn with the same name can teleport to the opened portal.

There can only be one public Portal or one Portal with a unique name be opened at the same time. Portals stay up for 90 seconds which is also the cooldown of the Portal Horn itself.